Thursday, April 5, 2012

We have moved..........

There is a new and snappy looking website that we have moved our blog to. Please head on over to to continue to follow us and check in with what we are up to.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Seedlings are coming up, soup is keeping us real busy.

Well now that we have finally had some snow arrive. The greenhouses are kicking into high gear. All the spinach and salad that have overwintered are really coming in. Plenty of early spring greens all over the place. New seedling shed needs some insulation and a bit of work but is really nice to have. First Arugala is up and running. Can't wait to see how the quality of my transplants improves this spring. All exciting stuff. Soup continues to sell really well at Hunger Mtn Coop. Need to increase the amount I make each week to keep up with you guys. Have to go run, wanted to see how blogging works with my new website as well. Joe

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Soup is flying out of the Hunger Mtn Coop. Thanks Everyone.

Hello there, It has been a few very hectic soup making weeks. Finally managed to put some soup on the shelf at City Market in Burlington but I am thinking my biggest fans are right here in Montpelier. I cannot keep it on the shelf at Hunger Mtn. Coop. Thanks! I am already working on some summer soups like Gazpacho as well as some salsa and pesto to keep things going until the return of soup season in the fall of 2012. Things are going really well at the Mad River Food Hub in Waitsfield. Great people to work with. We just might be in the plainfield Coop soon. Keep an eye out. Also if you are in the stores and notice the stock is low shoot me a text or and email. I want to keep you guys happy one bowl at a time........had to say it.
So as far as the farming thing goes we are shifting into gear. Seeding flats and harvesting spinach and salad like crazy since we cannot seem to have a real winter (the snow storm tomorrow an exception) around here. I am seeing aphids in the houses already. Leaving the remay off to freeze them out a bit. Well back to work....I will deliver soup and salad tomorrow to all my appointed rounds....